Renee Scattergood’s Shadow Stalker Part 6

I have been keeping you informed of Renee’s progress with this ebook, and the second part of the episode labelled Destiny Reconciled is now available. The link to purchase it is here:   

I thought I would do something a little different this time. Renee has written a lovely list of characters from other writers that she would like to have dinner with. So, without further ado, here it is:

Five Characters from Novels I’d Have Dinner With
By Renee Scattergood

I’m really big on characters. I love getting to know them, and I especially love when other authors give you opportunity outside of a novel to get to know their characters. That’s why I have a tendency to write posts from my characters’ POV and do a lot of character interviews. So I was thinking, if I could have dinner with any five characters, who would they be?

1) Anastasia Steele from the Fifty Shades Trilogy by E.L. James – well she is an editor and eventually comes to own her own publishing house. As an author, why wouldn’t I want to have dinner with her? Even though I prefer to self-publish, I’m sure there’d be tons I could learn from her. It would also be fun to pick her brain about everything that was going through her mind when Christian first made his proposition. 😀

2) Christian Grey from the Fifty Shades Trilogy by E.L. James – he’s a billionaire and CEO of a megacorporation. It’s not my goal to become wealthy, but he certainly is successful, and who best to learn how to be successful from than someone who is extremely successful, right? I’d also like to ask him some more personal questions, but I don’t know if I’d be brave enough.

3) Amaranthe from the Emperor’s Edge Series by Lindsay Buroker – I really want to know how she can have a relationship with an assassin who had attempted to kill her on their second meeting. It’s obvious to the reader that he cares about her (eventually), but it’s kind of incredible she can so completely trust someone who has been taught to kill from childhood. I’d say I’d want to have dinner with Sicarius as well, but somehow I get the feeling he wouldn’t make a pleasant dinner companion.

4) Brad from Sins of the Father by Melissa Barker-Simpson – He’s a body guard and in my mind he’s hot. I think I’d like to weasel some self-defense lessons out of him. It would also be interesting to learn more about his past and what brought him to where he is. I think that would actually make a really good novel… hmmm… hey Melissa!

5) Kahlan from the Sword of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind – I think she is probably my favorite female character. Anyone who could face the horrors she does and come out stronger as a result is definitely worth admiring. I would have so many questions for her, I wouldn’t even know where to begin.

What characters would you have dinner with?

Now I wouldn’t agree with the Fifty Shades characters, but then I guess I’m not the demographic for that book. But I put in a strong push for Lindsay Buroker!

SStalker E6 BookSo go and buy it. I’ve read it and can’t wait for the next episode! The best thing about being on this blog tour is that I get to read it first!

6 thoughts on “Renee Scattergood’s Shadow Stalker Part 6

  1. dkchronicles2013

    Hmmmm….I would have to say I would like to sit down with Lanen Kaelar from Song in the Silence by Elizabeth Kerner. Lanen falls in love with a dragon and I would love to ask questions about how it that relationship goes and how to dealt with the stress she went through for them to be together.

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  2. Renee

    Thanks for sharing Barbara! I’d also like to add that all episodes of Shadow Stalker are free on Smashwords today for a special promotion they’re doing. So now would be the best time for your readers to get them if they’re interested! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Shadow Stalker: Destiny Reconciled Part 2 (Episode 6) Blitz | Renee Writes

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