Never a Dull Moment

My friend Peter invited me out to dinner tonight and we met up with his main squeeze at the local pub. As usual, at least for this winter, the snow was coming down fairly hard as we hastened along the sidewalk. We had stayed at BWW a little late because there was a remote chance that someone would come to a late scheduled workshop for workshop leaders. As no one appeared, we headed off and found, for once, a parking space downtown. I suspect the snow was not doing any favors for the merchants or bars or eating establishments. The fact that it was also election night meant that many people were staying home to see the results.

We had a nice dinner with companionable discussions of Peter and Jody’s imminent move to our eastern neighbor, New Hampshire, the possibility that Jody could telecommute and continue to work for her current employer, and the vagaries of the telephone system. We briefly touched on the election, but quickly found ourselves speculating on the potential fall-out from Hilary Clinton’s failure to use state-approved email during her tenure as the Secretary of State. With much hemming and hawing, we seemed to feel that people might find her ethically challenged while acknowledging that probably all did it.

As we stood to leave, I noticed a definite lack of car keys in my pockets. A furtive search of my purse produced no better information. Peter and I went back to BWW to see if I had left them there, with no luck. He drove me home, and I called the restaurant. They have in their lost and found two sets of Toyota keys, but neither was mine. The cleaning team is being told to look out for them. So I must wait for morning to see if my keys appear. Otherwise, great expense, but replace them I will.

Keep your fingers crossed.

3 thoughts on “Never a Dull Moment

    1. al ruis

      we will miss Peter think of a good gift i will contribute see you at the book signing this is good for peter and bad for us al u



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